Hamaguchi goryo, renowned for “the fire of rice sheaves,” was born in Hiro-mura village (currently Hirogawa-cho) in Kishu in 1820 (Japanese Date of Bunsei 3).
He saved the lives of many villagers by starting a ‘fire of life’ when a tsunami hit the village following a major earthquake that occurred in the Ansei era. That achievement has continued to be handed down as a symbol of tsunami prevention still applicable today.
“Inamura-no-Hi no Yakata,” consisting of the Hamaguchi goryo Archives and Tsunami Educational Center, was established in April, 2007 (Heisei 19) in order to learn from and hand down the achievements and spirit of goryo. We hope that you too can gain as much knowledge as possible on tsunamis so as to be prepared for any future disasters. Light the fire of rice sheaves that will last forever in your heart.
Update information
Information on Walking around Historic Sites Related to goryo
Would you like to visit historic sites related to Hamaguchi goryo? A walking map and introductions of those historic sites are displayed.
Information for Visitors/Exhibition Guidance
Guide map of the Tsunami Educational Center and Hamaguchi goryo Archives and details on the content of exhibitions are provided.
Overview of Inamura-no-Hi no Yakata
“Inamura-no-Hi no Yakata,” consisting of the Hamaguchi goryo Archives and Tsunami Educational Center was established in April, 2007 (Heisei 19) in order to learn from and hand down the achievements and spirit of Hamaguchi goryo, who is renowned for “the fire of rice sheaves.”
Archive Collection
Achievements of Hamaguchi goryo, Story of the Fire of Rice Sheaves, History of Tsunami Prevention